Threema Work

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Threema Work is a secure and privacy-compliant instant messenger for businesses. It is particularly useful for fast and efficient communication between employees, non-desktop workers, top-level management, and third parties. The chat app offers all features employees expect from a modern chat app, including single and group chats, a desktop version, and various call options. The comprehensive management cockpit allows administrators to define the ways in which employees can use the app, control app settings, and enforce corporate policies. Thanks to consistent end-to-end encryption and full GDPR compliance, Threema Work is perfectly suited to exchange confidential and sensitive information within the company and with external stakeholders – making it the ideal complement to existing collaboration tools.


  • Suited for Confidential Communication: Thanks to its focus on security, consistent end-to-end encryption, and metadata restraint, Threema Work is the ideal communication channel to exchange confidential, sensitive, and classified information. It’s not required to provide an email address or phone number, which further protects the employees’ privacy.
  • User and App Management: The intuitive management cockpit allows for professional user management. Thanks to the extensive configuration options, you can rest assured that the Threema Work app is used in line with your corporate policies.
  • Top-Down Communication: Threema Broadcast is the perfect tool for efficient and targeted employee communication. Reach your entire staff, specific departments, and external recipients through feeds, distribution lists, chat bots, and group chats. You can also conduct polls and receive read receipts for important messages.
  • Automation and Integration: Increase your efficiency and cut costs: the Threema Gateway API allows you to automate processes and use your own software to send, receive, and process Threema messages.
  • Threema OnPrem: For the Highest Security Requirements: Threema OnPrem is the self-hosted version of the secure messaging solution Threema Work. The self-contained chat environment and the self-hosted administration console ensure that you have full control over server, software, and data. Suited for organisations with strict security requirements that can’t afford to take risks regarding internal communications.